If you think you know Cirque Du Soleil, you had better guess again. Opening night in Seattle will be one to remember for years to come. Everything from comedy and laughs, to passion and flying bicycles. You will be amazed! If you are truly a lover of amazing art, then this is the show for you.

Of course the hardest part is waiting for the show to actually start. But once you walk into the tent you are transformed and taken into a dream world that you never thought was possible. Imagine you are envisioning a clowns funeral and he is recalling the story of his life. That is the best way I can describe the plot. And what an amazing story. Everything from little people to giants onstage. It’s loads of fun and laughs.

It is truly an event for the whole family to see! So if you get a chance be sure and check it out! You will be glad that you went. It runs through may 25th. You can purchase tickets at