People seem to enjoy visiting the “Gay 90s” of The Gilded Age because BOHEMIA, the lush musical/variety extravaganza that debuted a few years ago at Cafe Nordo, keeps getting yearly revivals at cabaret venue, The Triple Door (216 Union Street, downtown Seattle across from Benaroya Hall). Set in 1890s Prague it revolves around the real life artists/musicians/writers of the period like Antonín Dvorák and Alphonse Mucha, as well as artists from the past that helped inspire the nouveau, like Chopin and George Sand.
The creation of local producers/talents Opal Peachey and Mark Siano who play Chopin and Dvorák respectively, the work includes selections of classical works as well as original music created for the production.
The music is gorgeous but we suspect that fans keep returning to BOHEMIA for its equally rich design that includes lots of performers in beautiful clothing…as well as lots of exposed flesh.
Of course, it could also be the vast array of performances on display that include circus arts, burlesque, comedy, dance that lures audiences in year after year…
Bohemia opens Thursday, January 17th for a two week run…performances do sell out so snag those tickets NOW at The Triple Door website.
More about Bohemia, including lots of Lovely Photos:
A whimsical display of aerial, dance, comedy, burlesque, and more
set to live Dvorák, Chopin, Debussy, with original musical works
interwoven with familiar classics.
The illustrious Triple Door transforms into 1890s Prague in Bohemia, a story about love, classical music, art nouveau, green fairies and absinthe. Presented by Opal Peachey and Mark Siano, this new musical combines live orchestral music from composers Antonín Dvorák and Frédéric Chopin, with original musical works; a set inspired by the art of Alphonse Mucha; and historic artists Sarah Bernhardt and George Sand interweave with beautiful green fairies, aerial numbers, dance, burlesque, classical piano battles, comedy, and new and original songs.
Bohemia runs January 17 – 26, 2019 for only 13 performances at the Triple Door. For tickets and information, call the Triple Door box office at (206) 838-4333 or visit their website at
The story centers around famous Bohemian composer Antonín Dvorák who has hit a wall prior to composing his magnum opus. In a move of desperation he turns to a bottle of absinthe for inspiration. In this macabre and mystical dream cabaret, Dvorák is visited by the ghost of late composer Frédéric Chopin and a host of green fairies. Chopin and many other famous Bohemians guide Dvorák as they search for the true source of inspiration and grasp at artistic immortality.
“A new original piece Keep Dreaming, which sounds like Erik Satie mixed with Elton John and Florence and the Machine, will be an eye popping number,” said Director Mark Siano. “It’s a spectacle that people will be talking about. Hundreds of miniature LED lights attached to the dancers will illuminate the stage as green fairies attempt to lure the struggling composer Dvorak into a dream state.”
Traditional Absinthe service will be available in the VIP section of the Triple Door and served by dancing green fairies during intermission for those who wish to try the wormwood for themselves. This year, Lucid Absinthe and Jade Absinthes are official liquor sponsors and are available for purchase at the show.
At the helm of the show is Mark Siano, the director of holiday sellout hit A Very Die Hard Christmas, and comedy writer with acclaimed The Habit. Cafe Nordo star and co-producer Opal Peachey stars as Chopin – both the character and one of Chopin’s nocturnes. Bohemia promises to be fun and lively, with drink service a plenty.
Cast of Bohemia include Tori Spero Dullenty as Wormwood, Hisam Goueli as Mucha/Malabron,Katheryn Reed as Rusalka, Gabriela Sanchez Samano as Faye, Bo Mellinger as Vodník, Claire Marxas George Sand, Pamela Turpen as Sarah Bernhardt, Opal Peachey as Frédéric Chopin, Isobella Bloom as Zuzanna, Tanya Brno as Camille, and Mark Siano as Antonín Dvořák.
Bohemia is written by Opal Peachey and Mark Siano. Musical direction by Dayton Allemann, composition by Dayton Allemann, Mark Siano, and Opal Peachey, and musicians performing live on stage include Dayton Alleman (piano, flute, percussion) and Andy Wickell (violin) and others soon to be cast. Set design created by Ron Darling and Mark Siano, costume design by Kit Goldsworthy, production design by Robin Nunnally, photography and additional design by Max Shaw and Julia Nardin, and poster design by Thea Roe.
January 17 – 26, 2019
Thursday, January 17 – 8:00 p.m. – Opening Night
Friday, January 18 – 7:00 p.m.
Friday, January 18 – 10:00 p.m.
Saturday, January 19 – 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, January 19 – 10:00 p.m
Sunday, January 20 – 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, January 22 – 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, January 23 – 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, January 24 – 7:00 p.m.
Friday, January 25 7:00 p.m.
Friday, January 25 10:00 p.m
Saturday, January 26 – 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, January 26 – 10:00 p.m.
**VIP Seating includes Absinthe menu and traditional service (spoons, sugar, ice fountains) available at intermission. Service only available in the VIP sections.
Box Office: (206) 838-4333
Online Box Office:
Facebook event page –
Facebook Page –
Marxiano Productions page –
Instagram – @fairybohemia
Spotify Playlist – (music that is featured or inspired the show)
About the Author: Michael Strangeways
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