The “HER” app was created to “connect womxn and queer people” and one of the local people to help make that a reality was community leader Jolene Manibusan.
Suddenly and sadly, Jolene passed away this past summer and HER will remember and honor Jolene tonight at their PARADISE DREAMS event happening from 10pm to 2am at The Timbre Room, part of the Kremwerk complex, at 1809 Minor Avenue.
Friends are asked to: “Please bring photos of the memories shared with Jolene. We are putting together a photo album to give to her family of all of the lives Jolene touched during her time here in Seattle. If you are unable to bring a photo you can email carmen@weareher.com and jasmine@weareher.com with a photo and short blurb.”
Proceeds from the event will be donated to the OASIS Youth Center in Tacoma…you can learn more about the Center, at http://www.oasisyouthcenter.org/
A Toast to Jolene Manibusan.