is thrilled to present your audio roundup and interviews with folks from all of Seattle Queerdom.
Hosted by Les Sterling and Michael Strangeways.

Podcast #17: The Boys of HEART BREAKS OPEN…We’re thrilled to sit down with both of these boys – Brian Daniels (aka Mama Tits, Sr. Stella Standing…) and Basil Shadid. You remember Brian from a few podcast episodes ago, and we’re thrilled to welcome Basil Shadid – Producer of HEART BREAKS OPEN, which will be celebrating it’s Seattle Premiere/Homecoming on Tuesday, October 18. In this episode, we talk about religion, coming out stories, National Coming Out Day, making movies in Seattle on a super tight budget, Basil’s secret popstar life and how much fun it would be to make a Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence cartoon! |
Podcast #16: The Ladies of Beebo Brinker…If you’re a regular reader of the site, or regular listener to the podcast, you know that Strangeways and I frequently wax geekish on pretty much anything related to literature, theatre, cinema, television, art or fried foods. This week was an extra awesome thrill, because we got to talk to two of the brilliant woman who are responsible for the staged adaptation of Ann Bannon’s BEEBO BRINKER CHRONICLES that is opening this Thursday at Re-bar – Donna Stewart and Sasha Summer Cousineau. We get a whole lotta inside dish about the production, we get into a very deep and erudite conversation about the evolution of the lesbian literary canon that was born throughout the 20th Century which pretty promptly devolved into labia jokes. As it very well should have. Listen and enjoy! POSTSCRIPT: Strangeways erroneously announced towards the end of the podcast that Three Dollar Bill Cinema is announcing the line-up for the Seattle Lesbian & Gay Film Festival on Sept 19. That is incorrect. The line-up will be released on September 26!
Podcast #15 – Mama Tits/Sister Stella/Brian Daniels has taken over the podcast…
Check it out! |
SGS Podcast #14 – The Echo Chamber of Badly Kept Secrets
It’s the first podcast from our fabulous new space on Cherry Street, and we’re thrilled to christen it with our buddies L.A. Kendall and David Richey from Qulture Qreative! As it always is with them, we talk a LOT of smack. This week, we cover The Real Housewives of Everywhere, the incomparable Miss J, Madonna’s Birthday, her pterodactyl arms and questionable plastic surgery. Les & Michael chat about their road trip to West Seattle to Gay City’s EDEN party and the soft opening night of OutWest – West Seattle’s new and only gay bar. David and Kendall reflect on the evolution of Tacoma, and we get into an awfully deep conversation about the state of art and culture in Seattle, Seattle’s “thrifty” reputation and the curse of Generation X. The new issue of HARD TIMES comes out really, really soon and you know there’s gonna be a helluva party to go with it!!! |
SGS Podcast #13 – The “Even More Film Dorkdom” Episode!
As you might recall back in May, we invited Beth Barrett from The Seattle International Film Festival to chat about SIFF, and movies and we got ourselves all wrapped up in movie geek talk, and this week we kinda do it again – this time with the impossibly adorable Jason Plourde – Programming Director for Three Dollar Bill Cinema, who produces the upcoming outdoor summer movie series at Cal Anderson Park, as well as the Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. We talk about summer movies, queer film, Outfest & Frameline, and stuff we can look forward to at this fall’s festival! |
SGS Podcast #12 – The “Post-SIFF, Post-Pride, Post-Independence Day, Post-Break” Edition…Yeah, we took a little break after SIFF, Pride and Les’s birthday party… frankly, we were really tired, and needed a break. But, we’re back now! We’re giving all the deets for the week! And we swear we’ll keep podcasting. Whether you want us to or not! |
It’s Episode 11 – The Podcast: Pride Edition with Sylvia and Busty!Posted: 6/21/11 We invited two of the effervescent hosts of this year’s Pride Parade and celebration – Sylvia O’Stayformore and Busty McGee/Mama Tits! We get into some DEEP dish, and get ourselves all pumped up for Pride and yak about the Pride Parade, the Capitol Hill/Broadway/Julia’s on Broadway Pride Block Party on Saturday, RuPaul’s Drag Race contestants, the awesome Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and both ladies plug every show/event/project they’re associated with…there is LOTS of plugging, of the wholesome, not penetrative sort…. AND, WARNING: the Library is OPEN on this podcast! (but all meant with tongue firmly planted in cheek…) |
It’s Episode 10 – The “Holy Crap, It’s Almost Pride” Edition…Posted: 6/14/11 We have an AMAZING pre-Pride show for you all with the gorgeous brains behind Qulture Qreative – LA Kendall and David Richey. We love them, and are pretty sure you will too. We chat about all manner of things, not the least of which is the seemingly endless list of awesome events coming up for Seattle Pride! Check out Hard Times Press while you’re at it! |
It’s Episode 9 – The “Meeting Celebrities” Edition…Posted: 6/07/11
Kathy B is back to recap the week with us! This past weekend, as we’ve been writing incessantly, was the massive launch of summer – complete with awesome sunny weather! In this week’s podcast we talk about pretty much everything that’s going on – not the least of which is the beginning of the last week of SIFF (aw!) and the beginnings of the Pride Season. We talk about meeting the red-hot King of Nerddom Chris Hardwick (yay!), Michael judges Ms. Bacon Strip, Les goes to the SIFF Centerpiece gala at the DAR, and Kathy meets the biggest celebrity that this town will ever see. |
Podcast #8 – Memorial Day Weekend Edition…Posted: 5/31/11
Podcast #7 – It’s the “Les & Michael Recover From The Weekend” Edition… Posted: 5/24/11 This past weekend, if you haven’t been reading for a couple days, marked something of a gateway to an insanely busy season – SIFF is in full swing with another 3 weeks to go, PRIDE season is upon us already, every weekend for the next couple months is jam-packed with all kindsa goodness. So, in this episode, we cover as much as we can in an hour – we talk about June 4 which seems to be an INSANE day in the City of Seattle. There is some sort of show of some kind to suit pretty much every taste that night, so there’s no excuse for sitting at home. We talk CHRIS HARDWICK at The Showbox, SIFF CENTERPIECE Gala Screening of SERVICE ENTRANCE, BACON STRIP, and the inimitable JACKIE BEAT at REBAR! Check it out! |
Podcast #6: The SIFF 2011 Edition with Special Guest Beth Barrett!Posted: 5/17/11
The biggies, of course, are the Gay-La screening of AUGUST, and the Gay-La Party at Pnk! François Sagat comes to Seattle with his new film MAN AT BATH (so hot, so sexy… so brilliant!) and a bunch of pretty outstanding Short Films that fall into L, G, B or T categories. Beth was kind to stop by for a glass of pinot, and to share some insights into the festival, the films, the parties and all matters SIFF. It’s a BIG OL’ SIFF-Y episode, so if you need to take it in doses, we understand completely. And we will never judge you. Okay, maybe a little SIFF Opening Night Gala is THIS THURSDAY y’all, May 19th at McCaw Hall. If you haven’t gotten your tickets already, GO HERE NOW and get them! |
Podcast #5: The Mother’s Day Edition.Posted: 5/10/11
Happy Mother’s Day everybody! This week we speculate on what motivated our own conceptions – FAAAAARRRRR from immaculate! In spite of the endless 50 degree-ish days, summer is coming eventually, which means that there is wayyyyy too much going on in the city! You’ll have a never-ending supply of places to go, music to hear and things to see. In this week’s podcast, we talk about Translations, SIFF, Chaz Bono, Gay City’s upcoming “Gay University” and the awesomeness of the Navy Seals taking care of that pesky little Bin Laden issue… Oh, and we discuss the fact we got a butt load of hits from all over the world due to our James Middleton post. It’s amazing how fascinated the French and the Israelis are about a skinny, British twink whose sister will probably eventually become the Queen of England. And, frankly, Mr. Strangeways is confused by that dumb spinning Mother’s Day GIF…it looks more like a dreidel than a top but we’re always happy to give a shout-out to the thousands of Jewish mothers who read Seattle Gay Scene… |
Podcast #4: Les and Michael drag Kathy into their evil clutches…Posted: 5/3/11
SIFF’s a comin’ like a cyclone on the prairie, and we talk about the hotness of Ewan McGregor and the Gay-La film this year. For some reason we get on the topic of Emerald City Comicon (we blame Kathy for that), have multiple nerdgasms and Les begins his quest in earnest for a gay geek who is date-able (provided he has reasonable social skills). Why are SHANE and PLACE IN THE SUN still in the AFI Top 100 Films of all time, and leave it to our visiting woman to help us understand the appeal of comic books. Check out Kathy B’s photo work on Facebook, and follow her on Twitter @KathyAnnPhotos |
Podcast #3: The Easter Edition!Posted: 4/26/11
(Strangeways Rebuttal: Les makes a mean mimosa and I have the tolerance of a nine year old Mormon school girl. Also, I was drinking on an empty stomach…) |
Podcast #2: The Darren Criss Firestorm Edition!Posted: 4/22/11
The Premiere Podcast #1: Naked “Tea” Party…well, not really.Posted: 4/12/11
In this first episode, we talk about the Gay, Dead and Famous, Blood Donations, volunteering for the Seattle International Film Festival, Les has a Moment of Nerdliness and and of course, we HAD to talk about Shangela! |