Ryan Hazy Opens Drag Idol week 3
Oh what fun it is to ride….in the front row sitting next to the judges to be able to watch all the action that goes on on Thursdays at Neighbours Underground. I am of Course referring to Seattle’s DRAG IDOL Season I. What a Blast!
Each week has had a wonderful theme. Week one there was no theme. Week two the theme was music of the new Millenium (2000-2008) and that was a blast. Everything from Jayla D’Foxx Dressed up as a Shepardess, to Jade as Pink! Week Three was my personal favorite “Broadway & VEGAS!” of course, I had to make a special costume for that one. Now it’s too big, I have no room in my closet, but anywho, JADE made an amazing costume, she also did a great comedy number from Avenue Q. (Which will be at the Paramount Theatre in September)
Week Four, the theme was Choose One of Dominatrix Roxy’s (one of our Judges) Greatest Hits, Jade did and amazing Cher, Vera Fierce Sang LIVE and did Cher’s “I Found Someone” and she has truly brought a new aspect to this season of singing live. Makayla did “Stand Back” by stevie Knicks, what a great selection for her. So many memorable performances have occurred this season. This week’s theme is “CELEBRITY SUICIDE” & “FOREIGN LANGUAGE” Celebrity suicide is basically this, they have chosen four of five artists, their homework is to know the three songs listed on the DRAG IDOL website, and to memorize them, they will not know which song they get until it comes on for Round 1! I never said this competition would be EASY. Its just how they interpret the themes that will either hinder them, or help them.
Anyways we have 4 contestants left, JADE, VERA FIERCE MAKAYLA, & JAYLA D’FOXX, one of them will be going home this week. Who will it be? I cannot say, you will have to come and see for yourself. THE FINAL WEEK, there will be 3 people left, one will be sent home, and the other two will have to battle it out by performing the BEST NUMBERS IN THEIR REPETOIRE. If they are smart.. they wont repeat any performances they have already done. That is the tough part about this competition.
Then voting will happen and you will have to stay till the VERY END to see who will get the DRAG IDOL Season I, CROWN, as well as the $500 CASH PRIZE! So come on out and have some laughs and experience Seattle’s newest phenomenon like you never have before! SEE YOU THERE SOON!