With the rejection by CBS of ManCrunch putting a big old cloud over the biggest day in American sports what is any self-respecting gay football fan in Seattle to do? You could join ridiculously named Facebook fanpage “I Will Not Watch the SuperBowl Until they Play the Gay Ad” and boycott the game. Or you can realize that this was a big PR stunt and ManCrunch probably never really intended to pay the $2.5 million.
The commercial in question is homophobic and vile. It depicts gay men as out-of-control sex freaks and depicts us as confusing and shocking and “gross” to straight men.
For the sake of everyone it’s in the best interest to forget about this issue right now. And Dan Savage at The Stranger provides his own perspective on the issue.
With all that said here is what’s happening in Gay Seattle.
Most parties start at noon but the big game starts at 3pm: