Review: Dreamgirls at The Paramount
Margaret Hoffman (Michelle). Photo Credits: Joan Marcus
Yesterday, Seattle Gay Scene sent Sharon, one of our fabulous resident experts here at the blog to the opening night of Dreamgirls, a show that she happens to be unfamiliar with, in order to get her guileless opinion of the show. Here’s what she came back with:
Went into the opening night of Dreamgirls not knowing what to expect, so it was off to rent the movie and see what would be in store for me. Frankly, the movie was slow and boring. So wondering what actually awaits us for the performance at The Paramount, off I went to the show.
OH MY!! Dreamgirls was nothing like I had anticipated.
It was absolutely beyond fabulous. The opening of the show was a lot like a prelude. Lots of movement and lots of different songs. Beautiful but confusing. Then to my wondering eyes it began. Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful!!! The outfits were shimmery, glittery and gorgeous. But there was one outfit that made my mind flash—-oooooooo that is one UGLY outfit. You will have to see Dreamgirls to see if you can spot the ugly outfit.The voices coming from the entire cast were fantastic. Curtis’s voice was the only one that was not as strong as I would have imagined. However, his voice was right on when it came to the gentle songs. And Effie, that girl was supreme on all accounts. At times, when she was singing a long note, I caught myself holding my breath with her. Moya Angela gave all her songs 110% which pumped up the audience to absolutely love her.
But James (Jimmy) Early stole the show with his singing and dancing. At one point, it was like watching Little Richard up on stage. How high can Jimmy sing? You’ll have to see Dreamgirls to know what I mean. The cast had the audience participate in a song and it was automatic that everyone took every opportunity to interact with the cast.
Curtis was deceitful, a liar and just a nasty man. You know the type. This happened so often to performers from the past and even nowadays, their agents clean up on their talent. Chaz Lamar Shepard did an excellent job getting into his character as Curtis Taylor. And finally, Dreamgirls ended with a overwhelmingly strong standing ovation, lots of smiles on people’s faces and a show stopping song on people’s lips…Jimmy’s got…you GOT to see Dreamgirls to see what Jimmy has.
– Sharon
The Seattle premiere of Dreamgirls plays at The Paramount only through Sunday April 11, 2010. Tickets range from $27 to $75 and are available online at