You’ve seen the evocative photos of celebrities, duct tape on their mouths and “No H8” stenciled on their face…Hell, even Cindy Lou McCain got her photo taken…months after the presidential election. If you want to be part of this campaign to raise awareness for Gay Marriage and to protest the passage of Proposition 8 in California in 2008, then you’ll have your chance Monday, August 23 between 4pm and 7pm at the W Hotel, 1112 4th Avenue in downtown Seattle. All you have to do is show up CAMERA READY, (ie, have your hair/make-up ON when you get there; no one is going to touch you up…), wear a PLAIN, WHITE SHIRT, and bring your pocketbook/wallet because there is a donation of $40 for a solo photo or $25 per person for group photos, (everyone in one photo has to pay $25). Founder of the project, Adam Bouska will photograph 5-10 frames for each person/group that comes through, then the staff will pick the BEST photo, retouch it and eventually be made available on the NOH8 Campaign website. And, where does your money go?
Funds raised by the NOH8 Campaign will be used to continue promoting and raising awareness for marriage equality and anti-discrimination through NOH8’s interactive media campaign. This includes bringing the campaign to other cities around the country, as well as compiling the images for a large-scale media campaign. Under consideration is the expansion of our campaign to other media, including television and radio broadcast, billboards, and magazines. Contributions are also used to cover the daily operations and maintenance necessary to run this rapidly growing campaign.
The NOH8 Campaign has filed for 501(c)(3) status, and is currently waiting for its determination letter. Once we have received tax-exempt status, donations will be tax-deductible up to the amount allowable by law.
This sounds like fun, and it is an important cause, but I also hope they occassionally take photos of POOR people, too…
-Michael Strangeways