Hosts Simon Astor and Meg van Huygen bring you a night of cabaret and vaudevillian theater at Re-bar tonight at Trivariety at 7pm. What you can expect:
Up the airy mountain! Down the rushing glen! Into the valley of Trivariety, teeming this week with talent!
Firstly, straight from the ninth day of Christmas, it’s the Sweethearts of Rhythm. Reel as this frequently airborne quartet of ladybirds slap the stage with swing-dancin’ fury!
Their intensity is matched only by the fierce focus of juggler-slash-comedian Matt Baker. Which is quicker, his wit or his hands? None can say, and all are dazzled!
Rounding it out is vagabond circus dancer Wren LaFitte of the Harlequin Hipsters, twisting and changing before your astonished eyes!
Sounds awesome! Check it out!
-Michael Strangeways