The Seattle Art Museum, aka, “SAM” really knows how to throw down a par-tay. Their bi-monthly art events, known as the “Remix” combine music, dance, theater, booze and art appreciation in one big giant night of fun and merriment. (It’s also a damn smart way to market their museum to younger patrons…) SAM’s awesome “Picasso” exhibit opened last month, so it’s only fitting that Mr Picasso is the featured theme of the upcoming Remix event, happening Saturday, November 13 from 7pm to 1am at the museum in downtown Seattle. They have a buttload of activities lined up to keep you amused. Check them out:
Fans will move to the “party rock” sounds of Tigerbeat all night long. Other performances will include live marimba by
Erin Jorgenson and surprises from the swing meets hip-hop meets modern circus acrobatic dance group the Harlequin
Hipsters. Attendees can test their knowledge during artist trivia contests led by Geeks Who Drink, take artist Ryan
Molenkamp’s “portrait challenge” no matter what their skill level, do live figure drawing in the “Blue Studio,” Contribute
found objects to a collaborative collage sculpture, take part in interactive spoken word activities led by the Vis-à-Vis
Society and much more. The popular “My Favorite Things: Highly Opinionated Public Tours” are back, with tours led by
graffiti artist Dan Primo, Mayors Art Award winner Juan Alonso, and spoken word, vocal, and visual artist Storme
Weber, among others.
TICKETSTickets may be purchased online at, at the Ticketing Desk at any of SAM’s three sites or
over the phone with a credit card by calling the Box Office at 206.654.3121. SAM remix tickets sell out quickly.
Advance ticket purchase is highly encouraged. Purchase tickets online at$25 (Adults), $20 (Students with ID & seniors) and $12 (SAM Members). SAM Remix is open to age 18 and over only. In keeping with the Picasso spirit, the first 50 guests at the door wearing striped sailor shirts will get in FREE.
Membership has its benefits. Escape the crowd and get the VIP treatment in the Remix Members Lounge. Perks include
a members-only bar, mix and mingle with Remix artists, a Pernod Absinthe fountain, one complimentary glass of red
wine or non-alcoholic beverage and art making activities.Turn your Remix ticket in for $10 off a new SAM membership. Offer good on Student ($30) level memberships and
higher. Offer good onsite only during Remix. Please present your Remix ticket at the Membership Desk or Members
Lounge to redeem this offer.
Picasso liked a good party…as long as he was the center of attention.
– Michael Strangeways