On Wednesday December 8, 2010, Alex Garcia gathered 10 of his friends and hit as many bars as we could as he made his way to WET at RPlace.
Jerick, Matthew, Joshua, Nathan, Me, Brycen, Edwin, Eleazar and Jeffrey
9:30pm Family Feud at Lobby Bar
The question in the video is “What is one thing Drag Queens do that women don’t do?”
I’ve heard about Family Feud at Lobby Bar but never had the chance to check it out until last Wednesday night. It was not only pretty busy but everyone seemed to be having a great time, cheering and yelling for their team. We grabbed a few drinks, watched some Family Feud then took off to the next bar.
10pm Grim’s
Next we hit up the new bar Grim, and picked up three new boys for our bar crawl. The bar was surprisingly packed for a Wednesday night with a very mixed gay and straight crowd. It seems it has quickly found its niche and people love it. We grabbed drinks including my favorite huckleberry and vodka then did a round of Washington Apple shots.
10:30pm Purr
We hit Purr at 10:30 and it was pretty dead. Wednesdays never seem to be great for a Purr adventure. Regardless we got drinks said hi to bartender Justin and took off to Pony
11:15pm Pony
I usually avoid Pony unless it’s a Friday or Saturday but I think I have a new reason to visit on Wednesdays. It was happy hour all night with $3 wells.
12am Rplace WET
If you follow me on Facebook then you already know how I feel about Rplace. Not a huge fan at all! With that being said we arrived and met up with Andrew (Purr) and got some drinks along with convincing my friend Josh to compete in WET, but the security was being way too ruff with people so once WET ended we bailed. All and all it was a great night, highlight for the night was definitly Grim and Lobby and the biggest downer was Rplace.
Thursday Dec 9 – Sake, Cocktails & Shots
Last night is kind of a blur so just give you a quick summary. Matt (Purr) and I started the night out with some amazing sushi at Jae’s off Madison and Sake for the first time. Not bad. Kind of tastes like vodka. I know its a bit of a no no but I bet it would make a great cocktail.
Then cocktails, cocktails, cocktails at Grim’s and Purr as more friends joined. Then ended the night with shots at Rplace. I really wanted to go to 80’s night which is my absolute favorite night at Neighbours but couldn’t find anyone who wanted to go. So if you love 80’s night hit me up next week.
What’s your favorite bar to go to on Wednesday and Thursday?
Alex Garcia is co-founder of Banyan Branch social media agency and owner of Emerson Salon. You can follow him on Facebook.
I give a crap about Seattle . I give a crape about the gay scene. I DONT give a crape about Alex or his friends. Since when did Seattle Gay Scene become Alex's personal facebook page? I don't need to read and see the many photos of Alex on his quest to become the seattle version of Kim Kardashian ( a talentless celebrity ). I have lost all respect for SGS for letting this happen!
Hey Anonymous, lets grab lunch or dinner and I apologize if my post has somehow offended you. Regardless drinks or food?
I have to agree with the anonymous commenter. I would've liked to actually learned more about Grim. Grim is a brand new bar and nothing really was mentioned about it, other than it had a mixed crowd. Describing the interior, the quality of the drinks, pricing? Any of that would've benefited the readers who come to this site. I don't see what purpose it serves to hear you went here and there with friends and photographing it. I think the readers who come to Seattle Gay Scene would actually appreciate information we can use. So perhaps less talking about yourself and more talking about the actual places and events would be nice.
I went to brunch at Julia's yesterday, then coffee at cafe vita. Does this mean I can write for seattle gay scene now?
Merkin… lunch?
No thanks, I'm afraid I would be photographed while eating and then have it posted on seattle gay scene. Instead of asking everyone to lunch, maybe take the comments advice. Sounds like some good suggestions they are giving.
Well I had a great time! I agree with a little more descriptions, but also am not hesitant about getting off my butt and actually going to check these places out. Hell, you wouldn't even know about some places if someone doesn't mention the name…. That's all!
I will admit I like to hear about a place first before I go there. I like to find out if its worth bothering with in the first place. Saying I had a drink here, I had a drink there is really boring. I also think that the many pics and inane videos are pretty ridiculous. And don't get me started about all the grammatical errors.
Not to pile on, but just a bit of constructive criticism – I think the bar/going out review is a great idea. Would enjoy more of hearing about locations and the scene and events, and maybe less about your friends, because most of us reading this blog don't know them, and because you can do that on Facebook. Bill W does good reports and reviews of events. As Enid said, "I want less Carrie Bradshaw and more "carry this bag with these shoes". Less you and your friends did this and that, and more hey, gay Seattle, here's what was going on last week.
I really did just want to have lunch. I love meeting people. I also don't take any of the photos. Those are usually just friends of mine who are with me. I just feel like maybe im coming off one way when if people met me in person they might think different. I don't know. Would be fun anyways.