My life was changed in a movie theater last weekend, hopefully for the better. (See my review here) so I’m having difficulty mustering up enthusiasm for this week’s crop of Xmas season blockbusters. However, Nicole Kidman in John Cameron Mitchell’s Rabbit Hole is just around the corner (opening limited this week; Editor’s Note: Review coming SOON on Rabbit Hole!), so there is hope on the horizon that there are more good movies to come before the end of the year.

Those who made it through all three interminable hours of Avatar will be well prepared for the onslaught of simulated humanoid FX. As Clu, a digitally de-aged Jeff Bridges motion-captures his way through the Uncanny Valley and into your nightmares, mugging with phony features that look rubbery and puttied-over.
Like many modern day remakes it’s overly long (127 minutes), overly serious and overly convoluted. This is what happens when fanboys make films.