Katy Perry at the VMA's in one of her 48 costume changes...all of them as plastic and dull as she is.
Happily, Hurricane Irene didn’t live up to the hyperbole, but unhappily, at least 26 people died in the storm. Meanwhile, for some New Yorkers, the wind and the fury stirred up a storm in their nether regions.
The VMA’s were held Sunday night and Lady Gaga came dressed as a boy. The Gaga, Katy Perry and Adele all won big…and Beyonce announced she has a Jay Z/Beyonce joint in the oven.
Crazy Eyes Bachmann jumps on the tired, “God is angry with the Gays thus the (Fill in the blank: earthquake/hurricane/bombing/we ran out of Ben & Jerry’s/Disaster of your choice) was inflicted upon us!” trope.
Anti-gay Puerto Rican politician Roberto Arango, who allegedly posted photos of his chest and bunghole to Grindr, resigned from the Puerto Rican senate. Echa Pa’lante, indeed!
HRC head (and hottie patottie) Joe Solmonese is stepping down in March of 2012. Rumor has it, he’ll be doing a video for Chi Chi LaRue. (Kidding) (Wishful thinking) (Excuse me while I take a cold shower)
In sadder and more local news, Dr. Louis Chen is expected in a King County court room today to be charged with the murders of his partner Eric Cooper, and their young son Cooper Chen. The two were murdered August 11 in their First Hill penthouse apartment, and Dr. Chen allegedly has confessed to the crimes.
And, on a bitter sweet note, today would have been Michael Jackson’s 53rd Birthday. The music was divine and the life was troubled, but he really was The King of Pop. Also: Bat shit bonkers.