It’s been a couple of weeks since you and I have taken a moment to walk down the yellow brick road of the Capitol Hill celebrity show. We’re no longer going to play that song by Michael Jackson, “Remember the Time” because one of my goals in 2012 is to not look back at the past but instead use my judgement to make the right decisions. But enough about me…ha! I’ve got some surprising news to share with you, my queer-blocker readers and fans…
Read more after the jump…
So I’m dating a rockstar! Yep, it’s true and it’s fabulous and here are the two words to describe the feeling…
“Rock on!”
Dating a rockstar is thrilling, exciting and adventurous because I never know what the next step is going to be and I must confess that the mystery of it all…stop the insanity! No! Don’t stop the insanity because I’m enjoying every second, crevasse and nook & nanny of this experience. This past weekend, he met the best friend and my circle of friends and he of course passed every test imaginable. Do you ever get nervous when you get to that point of the best friends circle judging the guy you are dating? How do you cope or handle with those levels of judgements? Not that I really care, or give a flying horse’s ass, but the curiosity in me is soaring through the moody clouds that give us this damn rain. Tonight as I sit down with my gin and tonic, I look over at him playing with his new keyboard and he’s gloating with glee and bursting with flavor.
Speaking of curiosity – how are you feeling about the gay marriage law allowing us all to marry whoever we desire, or just marry our partners? I think it’s beautiful and wonderful, but all at the same time I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop hard on our heads! A few years ago, while I was living in Portland, they allowed a similar law but only went so far before some judge overruled the law and annulled all gay marriages in the city of Portland. Is that what is happening here, or are we gearing up for the real thing? Give me your thoughts!
This week, New Queer on the Block is gearing up for a long week. First, I’m heading tonight to Lobby Bar for the RuPaul’s Drag Race viewing party. It’s the first episode of season four and we shall be on site capturing pictures of all you beautiful people to document and prepare our first “Untucked with Brian” for season four. So – what are you waiting for? Get your asses moving along and head down to Lobby Bar and RuPaul’s Drag Race tonight!!! What drag queen is going home tonight in tears? Tuesday and Thursday night I’ll be down at El Corozon taking in some rock bands as a VIP guest. I’m gonna drink beer, shoot some shit and perhaps dive in a mash pit. Why not?

THE BREAK UP headlines this Sunday at Chaotic Electricity at Electric Tea Garden. Doors open at 9pm and it's $10 at the front door.
This Sunday is the premiere of “CHAOTIC ELECTRICITY” and it’s going to be jet packed full of rockers, drag queens and so much fashion you’ll just have to shit in your pants! At 11pm catch the official Drag Fashion Show of Seattle that includes Mama Tits, Ursula Major, Mark Finley and Cherry Sur Bete just to name a few. You can also catch a 45-minute live performance by THE BREAK UP (a local rock band) followed by mashup tracks by DJ Destrukt. Not to mention one hot-mess rocker host, rocker go-go dancers, vintage cocktails and forgotten spirits at Electric Tea Garden. The doors will be opening up at 9pm and tickets are $10 at the front door.
New Queer on the Block l