Waxie Moon struts her stuff at the after party for the Seattle premiere of “Waxie Moon in Fallen Jewel”. Photo: Michael McAfoose
The Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival wrapped up its 17th edition last Sunday and Three Dollar Bill Cinema, the producers of SLGFF have announced both the Jury and Audience winners for best/favorite films. It was a whirlwind ten days of great films, events and parties and kudos to everyone at Three Dollar Bill for pulling it off. (And, a huge hug of support to the hundreds of volunteers who make it all happen!) Here’s this year’s winners AND some lovely photos to cherish until the next awesome Three Dollar Bill event, their annual “Auntie Mame” screening in December.
Check out MORE SLGFF 17 photos on our Facebook Albums page!

SLGFF fans and staff call it a day at the Closing Night Party at PNK Lounge on Sunday. Photo: Eric Gregory
Jury Awards