Yes, it takes an army of super studs like Jeff, Long and Adam to create Seattle Pride.
Photo: Swiped from the awesome Queen Bee of the Volunteers, Megan Duncan’s FB page.
Yes, I like to exaggerate.
But, it does take a lot of Queer Villagers (and Allies) to stage Seattle Pride events all over the city, from the Biggest of them all, the actual Pride Parade on Sunday, June 29 to the many other events all over town. Keep your eyes peeled for Volunteer Calls from your favorite orgs (or, check in with them to see if they need help).
The Grand PooBah of events is the Parade of course and Seattle Pride DOES need your help. If you’d like to one of hundreds of helpful volunteers on Pride Sunday, go fill out an application over here!
(And, they have other events that need volunteers as well…like the annual Pride Picnic in Volunteer Park on Saturday, June 14th!)
Here’s their pitch for help:
To have a Successful Seattle Pride® celebration, Seattle Out And Proud is in need of hard working and fun loving volunteers. We are in search of gay, lesbian, bi, transgendered or gay friendly people who are willing to give their time to make the Seattle Pride Celebration in June a happy, exciting, and safe event for all.
In addition to the folks who work on PRIDE all year long it takes well over 500 volunteer hours during the Pride Parade to make the Seattle Pride Celebration successful. Without its volunteers, Seattle Pride wouldn’t exist. This year, hundreds of proud individuals will put their time, skill, and enthusiasm into the event. In return, they receive not only a fabulous Seattle Pride Event, but also a sense of community and an appreciation of its diversity. Imagine all the friends you’ll meet and the socializing that is all part of the volunteer experience with Seattle Pride. Also, all volunteers will get a really cool, official Seattle Pride t-shirt for helping out. Thank you for helping make this year’s PRIDE the best to date!
Help out! You’ll earn a lot of Gay Brownie Points!
(Note: if you don’t eat carbs/gluten we can sub with gluten free Brownie-Lite food product…but, it’s nasty.)