Film #2 in Three Dollar Bill’s spring film series, “Innocence Lost” screens tonight at Northwest Film Forum at 7pm…it’s sooooo bad that it’s good! A very, very young Cher, before she discovered a good dermatologist (or, plastic surgeon) stars as a restless young woman “looking for love in all the wrong places” including a Mexican brothel. And, obviously this movie had a huge impact on Cher’s life since she felt compelled to name her first born child after it…and, year’s later that child decided to undergo gender reassignment. Fortunately, “Chaz” is an acceptible masculinization of “Chastity” so no trauma there, but I’m sure Chaz is very happy that his mom didn’t name him after “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” because to go through life with that name would truly be a chitty experience…
-Michael Strangways