Tomorrow morning we have an opportunity to find some sanity. Not that sanity is a prerequisite for gaining political power.
But, really, with all the lunacy happening in Washington where our elected officials are refusing to do their jobs, or have arbitrarily changed their job description from representative for the people, to representative for corporate America, a little sanity could go a long way. Tomorrow morning at Westlake Center there is a gathering of people who are feeling that neither of the extreme positions in Washington DC are representing them. There are similar gatherings happening around the country, the main one being in our nation’s capital.
It’s not what the television would lead us to believe. It’s not simply a standoff between the Republicans and the Democrats. We’re living in a time of enormous greed and are, in fact, witnessing a major corporate takeover of our political system, with the Republican party willing to lie and die while their oil stained corporate flag waves in the polluted breezes wafting in from the Gulf of Mexico.
I say fire them all. Each and every one. Clean house, get all those old straight white guys out of there and start again because this is, clearly, not working…
So, grab your latte and head downtown tomorrow morning from 9am to noon, where you’ll find thousands of other people who are also fed up with the current state of affairs.
– Lamar Van Dyke
To quote Jon Stewart, we’re looking for the people who think shouting is annoying, counterproductive, and terrible for your throat; who feel that the loudest voices shouldn’t be the only ones that get heard; and who believe the only time it’s appropriate to draw a Hitler mustache on someone is when that person is actually Hitler.
Are you one of those people? Excellent! Then we’d like you to join us at Westlake Center on October 30 for the Seattle Rally to Restore Sanity.
IMPORTANT: Please consider donating toward the cost of the rally – Seattle is the largest satellite rally in the world, and it’s 100% volunteer funded and organized! Any excess funds will benefit WA state public schools through Click the Donate tab on our FB page, or go to our Web site at