The naughty (and scene stealing) Bad Idea Bears from “Avenue Q” and their human “friends” Ryan McCabe and Katie Griffiths hit up Cupcake Royale.
Photo: Pamela M. Campi Photography
Some of us are tingling with excitement because in just a couple short weeks, the beloved singing puppets from the hit Broadway musical “Avenue Q” will be making their regional Seattle debut at the Erickson Theater on Capitol Hill courtesy of the fine folks over at The Balagan. If you’re a musical theater lover who’s tired of umpteen awful musicals adapted from recent movie hits, then you’ll also tingle with the fresh, funny and very gay delights of “Avenue Q”. Tickets are already on sale for the show which opens November 16th and runs through December 15th…we advise you to grab’em while you can.
Meanwhile, the cast of “Q” has wisely hit the streets of Seattle with a photographer in hand to drum up some lovely poo-bliss-i-tee for the show. Pretty much all your favorites have been spotted around town at various locales, and all snapped by Pamela M. Campi for The Balagan. Check some of them out.

“Avenue Q” heroine Kate Monster and the adorable Kirsten deLohr Helland check out Molly Moon’s Ice Cream.
Photo: Pamela M. Campi Photography