Annoyingly, ‘barihunk’ Mariusz Kwiecien will NOT be in Seattle Opera’s “Don Giovanni” which runs Oct 18 to Nov 1 at McCaw Hall. Photo: Bill Mohn
The meaty bare chested manly torso of opera baritone star/mega hunk Mariusz Kwiecien is featured ALL over the posters and promotional materials for Seattle Opera’s upcoming production of Mozart’s Don Giovanni which runs from October 18 through November 1 at McCaw Hall. The 41 year old Polish singer is a major star in opera circles and starred in Seattle Opera’s previous production of “Giovanni” back in 2007 as the notorious lady killer. Mariusz Kwiecien’s hotness is so beloved that he was one of the inspirations for the “Barihunk” website, a fan site for the hottest baritones in opera. It should also be noted that Mr. Kwiecien has apparently dropped a bit of weight since 2007; he’s currently looking a bit sleeker in more recent photos. (Frankly, we prefer the fuller framed version…more cushion for the pushin’!!!!)
So, yes all the photos/posters we are seeing for Seattle Opera’s Don Giovanni are using photos from 7 years ago…which is a common practice in opera. After all, publicity and promotion must start MANY months before the cast arrives to rehearse for the upcoming run. But, it sadly behooves us to point out that Seattle Opera is using Mr. Kwiecien deliciously furred torso to sell tickets to an opera production where…the deliciously furred torso will NOT be appearing!
Yes, Mr. Kwiecien is NOT in this production! If you buy a ticket to this production, you will NOT be able to sit in McCaw Hall and peer through your Dame Kiri Te Kanawa™ autographed opera glasses to leer at Mr. Kwiecien’s delectable man nipples!!!! Some weedy poseur named Nicolas Cavallier is starring in this production!
No one wants to see a skinny blonde play Don Giovanni!!!
Call the Better Business Bureau! We want our hunky Polish baritone, not some weedy Frenchman!!!
We keed, we keed!
To grab tickets to the Kwiecien free Don Giovanni, go to the Seattle Opera website….OR, snag some lover priced tickets at Goldstar!
Oh, and to make things more interesting, the comments on this gossipy opera site seem to indicate MY Future Ex-Husbear, is maybe a sort of out HOMOSpecial person….swoon.
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