Tunde Adebimpe and Kristen Wiig star in Sebastian Silva’s Sundance hit, “Nasty Baby” which will play the Seattle Lesbian & Gay Film Festival on Friday, October 16, 2015.
Last week, Three Dollar Bill Cinema announced that Freeheld, the Julianne Moore/Ellen Page true life lesbian drama would open the 20th Annual Seattle Lesbian & Gay Film Festival on Thursday, October 8, 2015.
Today they announced the other 4 films that serve as anchor galas to the rest of the festival that runs from October 8 to Sunday, October 18, 2015.
There are, in order:
Sun, Oct 18 @ 6:30pm at AMC Pacific Place
VIP treatment at the five Gala Screenings (Opening Night, Closing Night + three Centerpieces)
$85 ($80 for members)