Seattle Pride unveiled a whole lot of intel about this year’s LGBTQ+ Pride celebrations at a social mixer at Benaroya Hall prior to Sunday, March 9th Rainbow City Performing Arts Concert, “Camera”. In a special ceremony, Seattle Pride’s Executive Director Patti Hearn revealed things would be “LOUDER” for Pride 2025. From her speech:
“This is not a time to be quiet. This is not a time to acquiesce to extracting a list of words from our vocabulary. It is not a time to be a bystander or to allow others to stand by while bullies — those who were elected and those who were not — try to harm us. Try to erase us. Try to silence us. We’re not going to let that happen, said Hearn. “We will stand up. We will speak up. We will get loud.”
-Seattle Pride’s Executive Director Patti Hearn
It was also revealed that in addition to “Louder” being this year’s theme, that Congresswoman EMILY RANDALL, who represents Washington’s 6th congressional district in the House of Representatives and was formerly a member of the Washington State Senate would be this year’s grand marshal along CHEER SEATTLE, as the community non-profit grand marshal. Randall is an out lesbian who has been a fierce advocate for LGBTQ rights while representing the interests of all her constituents. Cheer Seattle is the “all-adult, non-profit cheerleading organization that raises funds and awareness for the LGBTQIA+ community.”
In making the announcement, Seattle Pride Executive Director Patti Hearn explained that “Louder” is a celebration of those who paved the way before us, of voices that shattered silence and demanded change. It honors those who continue to stand defiantly in the face of hatred. It is a promise to carry that legacy forward, to amplify every story and every truth within our community. It is a reminder that our joy, our love, and our resilience are acts of care — for ourselves and for those who come after us.
This year’s theme and grand marshals reflect the love, resilience, and strength of the LGBTQIA2S+ community. Congresswoman Randall is the first queer Latina in Congress and is a powerful voice for the queer community, climate change, safeguarding women’s and reproductive rights, among others. Cheer Seattle is a non-profit cheerleading organization that raises funds and awareness for the LGBTQIA2S+ community through inspiring performances and inclusive community outreach.

This year’s Seattle Pride Parade announcers and deejays were also, er, announced. They include: Lemon Boy, Versace Doll, Ceasar Hart, Deejay Hershe, DonnaTella Howe, Sable Jones St. James, Kimere, Justice Manslayer, and Rowan Ruthless.
Registration is now open for anyone interested in being a vendor, a performer, or a marcher in the parade. Seattle Pride in the Park happens Saturday, June 7th in Volunteer Park on Capitol Hill. The 2025 Seattle Pride Parade happens Sunday, June 29th along 4th Avenue in downtown Seattle. To register or for more info, go to https://seattlepride.org/news/pride-2025.
Also, it behooves me to note that Seattle Pride produces the annual Pride in the Park event and the annual Parade but NOT the annual festivals that happen on the Saturday and Sunday of Pride Weekend (the last weekend in June). Those events are produced by a separate organization, SEATTLE PRIDEFEST and you should go to THEIR website on information about signing up as a vendor/performer for their events: https://www.seattlepridefest.org/
Some more info from Seattle Pride:
The Seattle Pride Parade takes place in downtown Seattle along 4th Avenue (between Union Street and Denny Way). The day kicks off at the Westlake Park stage with pre-show entertainment at 10 a.m. followed by the parade which begins at 11 a.m. The event is free, though reserved grandstand seating is available for public purchase beginning March 14 at SeattlePride.org — while space lasts.
Seattle Pride invites those who want to make a difference, make new connections, and be a part of Pride to join as a volunteer. Visit SeattlePride.org/Volunteer to learn more and sign up.