During the Summer of 2014, I interviewed a handful of local gaylebrities about their lives, careers, hopes and dreams, and such as. Yesterday, amid their scrambling to get ready for New Year’s Eve events and/or just lounging fabulously on their couches, I caught up with some of them to pick their brain. I asked what they’d be leaving behind, what they’d be bringing with them, and what they hope to accomplish in 2015. Their responses were overwhelmingly optimistic. Just by looking at my Facebook feed, it seems as though everyone was happy to see 2014 come and go.
“I am leaving behind the past where it belongs and accomplish to stay in love, while achieving personal and professional successes.” – Aleksa Manila
“I’m leaving behind anything and anyone that does not bring me positivity and in 2015, I’m looking forward to new projects in and out of state. I’m really excited for the New Year!” – Déjà Nouveau
“I’m moving on from a very fun and successful year for myself as a performer. I’m hoping to continue with some projects into 2015, as well as being a helping hand to some of our new performers who I believe deserve their time to shine and have their respective moments.” – DonnaTella Howe
“2014 was filled with so much love that I plan to pay it forward in 2015 by giving everyone I know a New Year’s kiss…even if it takes all year.” – Miss Kitty Baby, ‘A Femme To Be Reckoned With’
“This past year was a great year for trans* visibility nationwide and for myself, personally. I am confident that that will continue. I hope that no more lives, trans* or otherwise, are taken by the narrow-minded views of society and villainous parents who don’t understand their beautiful LGBT children. But, other than that, I’m going to keep on having fun and modeling!” – Vinessa Janovich