Some down to the minute Saturday night fun options for you…Seattle Quake Rugby is going on a pub crawl tonight, Saturday, May 21 to promote their upcoming Magnitude Tournament and visit from Ben Cohen. Here’s the skinny from their Facebook page:
Pub Crawl tonight promoting Magnitude 15.11, Ben Cohen Acceptance Tour – Seattle and our upcoming New Player Orientation, July 16th. Shenanigans begin @ 8:30p at The Elite – stops include R Place, Neighbours, Purr Cocktail Lounge,Madison Pub and Cuff Seattle. Come meet your friendly gayborhood rugby team!
AND, over at the lovely Lady Loving Lady Bar known as The Wildrose, they are enjoying a night of “Rapture” with DJ Rikki Leigh and they’re having a drawing to win passes to The Wildrose Pride Party. Expect lots of drink specials and Rapture jokes.