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The Breakfast Club – New Years Day @ Monkey Loft
January 1, 2022 @ 4:00 am - 4:00 pm

The 11th annual New Years DAY tradition is BACK! Inside/Outside 3 Stages! 12 Hours. Day 1 of 2022. Let’s dance!
We’re back! What started at ETG has been carrying on at Monkey Loft. For the 11th year in a row, Shameless is continuing our tradition of throwing a New Years DAY party and it’ll once again take place on our favorite rooftop rain or shine. This year we’re continuing to curate multiple rooms of music to help our friends/family start 2022 off right! 3 Stages! 12 Hours! Just Ups & Still Ups unite!
++ROBAG WRUHME++ (Kompakt, Pampa, Tulpa Ovi Records, Bad Berka Germany)
The artistic (and even non-artistic!) vita of Gabor Schablitzki, rather known to the raver as Robag Wruhme, is a story of gleaming moments of glory and brilliant achievements. The most brilliant of them all must be to have survived for a couple of decades in the ego-show that is the Techno-biz without a copy/paste-prepped testimonial like this one right here. Hats off to that! Although, time and time again, second-hand-information concerning Mr. Wruhme not uncommonly led to ludicrous distortion of reality. Therefore now and here, the confirmed yet no less vibrant and epic truth about the groove-maestro from the southern part of the eastern zone.
July 3rd 1983 – Schablitzki sees the light of day – or rather: the greyed out real-socialistic sight of Rudolstadt. The educated reader will instantly be hit by the significance of the date as if it was a bookshelf, collapsed under the weight of too many Reclam-volumes. Until today, Schablitzki indulges in the imagination of breathing the 100 year old reincarnated ghost of Franz Kafka into his bars and loops.
July 3rd 1983 – Schablitzki sees the light of day – or rather: the greyed out real-socialistic sight of Rudolstadt. The educated reader will instantly be hit by the significance of the date as if it was a bookshelf, collapsed under the weight of too many Reclam-volumes. Until today, Schablitzki indulges in the imagination of breathing the 100 year old reincarnated ghost of Franz Kafka into his bars and loops.
Birth is followed by being raised in Apolda. Apolda sadly is carving out an existence as overlooked spot on the map. The eye tends to be magnetized by the flashier places Jena and Weimar in the neighbourhood. So let’s have a little excursus on Apolda. The biggest bell of the Cologne Cathedral stems from Apolda. Apolda = bell town. Apolda holds his own car manufacturing – the Apollo Werke. In 1904 the first ever automobile is chugging off right there – and that’s before MB, BMW, VW, Porsche, Audi et al are in the picture. Apolda = car town. The dog breed Dobermann has its roots in Apolda, too. Mr. Dobermann was dog-taxman at the time and began his concrete dog-work between 1875 and 1880. The eponymous woof-woof being the outcome. Apolda = Dobermanntown. End of excursus.
Young Schablitzki gets exposed to Breakdance and HipHop – astoundingly even assisted by the top- ranks of the Politburo. The socialist civil rights activist and entertainer Harry Belafonte gets some serious homeboy-treatment by Honni (Erich Honecker) himself. So the Belafonte produced streetdance-flick “Beat Street” is made publicly available and shown in schools across the GDR. Little did the Volkskammer-dudes know, what kind of buzz this movie would create. Electric Beat Crew, Pioniermanöver, Gramont City Dancers – and Schablitzki is f***in’ hooked!
And suddenly, the iron curtain falls. Everyone’s kinda confused. After the initial euphoria receded, it seemed not that easy to align the compass. While socialism was up and running, Schablitzki tended to try out art and music studies. After the wall came down, priorities shifted. He decided to invest his “welcome dough” (100 DM) in 7 inches and to take things as they come.
And suddenly, the iron curtain falls. Everyone’s kinda confused. After the initial euphoria receded, it seemed not that easy to align the compass. While socialism was up and running, Schablitzki tended to try out art and music studies. After the wall came down, priorities shifted. He decided to invest his “welcome dough” (100 DM) in 7 inches and to take things as they come.
Several band-projects followed. Bands that borrowed some source-material from East- and West- German scene- standards and covered their way from Die Art and Sandow through to Einstürzende Neubauten. The first proper release was laid down by Beefcake, a project together with Volker Kahl. At that point the knack for electronic experiments unfolded.
Soon after, Schablitzki felt the urge to also provide dancefloors with quality material. An undertaking, he pursued with the now legendary Wighnomy Brothers venture. He produced all of their stuff. Many of those tunes are collectively known as club classics.
Meanwhile, Schablitzki recalls the funny idea to spell names backwards – a very popular concept in primary school! So Gabor turns into Robag. With his family name being just an unsolvable phonetic obstacle, the much easier pronounceable Wruhme comes into play. An unbridled solo career takes its course. From that point on, business is booming.
Soon after, Schablitzki felt the urge to also provide dancefloors with quality material. An undertaking, he pursued with the now legendary Wighnomy Brothers venture. He produced all of their stuff. Many of those tunes are collectively known as club classics.
Meanwhile, Schablitzki recalls the funny idea to spell names backwards – a very popular concept in primary school! So Gabor turns into Robag. With his family name being just an unsolvable phonetic obstacle, the much easier pronounceable Wruhme comes into play. An unbridled solo career takes its course. From that point on, business is booming.
Then one day, DJ Koze rings up and whispers the tender salutation “Na, Dicker…” through the receiver. Begin of a long lasting friendship. The [kəʊ.zi]-curated imprint Pampa Records opens its doors for Wruhme and it is indeed very [kəʊ.zi] there, so Wruhme stays and releases quite a few records. One of them being the 2011 issued opus magnum “Thora Vukk”. Now rumour has it that 2019 will be the year, the album-saga continues…
++Pezzner (Get Physical, Hunt & Gather)++
++Experimental Housewife (Perfect Location, SF)++
++Wonder Twinz (Julie Herrera & Mz ArTiz)++
++Tony H (Desert Hearts, Space Yacht, Late Night Munchies)++
++Aivilo (Shameless)++
++monotropa (Tremulant)++
++Tek Jones (Shameless)++
++Jen Woolfe (Shameless)++
++ZOF (House of Hustle, My Techno Weighs a Ton, Desert Hearts)++
++Hector J Rodriguez (Underscore Recordings)++
++Kadeejah Streets (Innerflight, Dirty Ice Crew)++
++Levi Clark (Shameless)++
++Miss Min.D (Fraktured, Underscore Recordings)++
++Foxy McLeod++
++Moist Towelette (Shameless, Pony)++
++Kinjo (Rhizome, Makes Me Human)++
Special Guests Arson Nicki & Best Butt Camp
8a-9:30a Aivil0
9:30a-11a Monotropa
11a-2p Robag Wruhme
2p-4p Saqib
8a-9:30a Aivil0
9:30a-11a Monotropa
11a-2p Robag Wruhme
2p-4p Saqib
4-6a Wonder Twins
6-7:30a Tony H
7:30-9:00 Miss Min.D
9-9:15 Best Butt Camp
9:15-11:15a Experimental Housewife
11:15-12:45 Joy
12:45-1:15 Arson Nicki
1:15-1:30 Best Butt Camp
1:30-3p Foxy Mcleod
3-4p Moist Towelette
4-6a Wonder Twins
6-7:30a Tony H
7:30-9:00 Miss Min.D
9-9:15 Best Butt Camp
9:15-11:15a Experimental Housewife
11:15-12:45 Joy
12:45-1:15 Arson Nicki
1:15-1:30 Best Butt Camp
1:30-3p Foxy Mcleod
3-4p Moist Towelette
4a-5:30a Kinjo
5:30a-7a Jen Woolfe
7a-8:30a Levi Clark
8:30a-10a Tek Jones
10a-11:30a ZOF
11:30a-12p Chaotic Marching Corps
12p-1:30p Hector J Rodriquez
1:30p-3p Kadeejah Streets
3p-4p Recess
4a-5:30a Kinjo
5:30a-7a Jen Woolfe
7a-8:30a Levi Clark
8:30a-10a Tek Jones
10a-11:30a ZOF
11:30a-12p Chaotic Marching Corps
12p-1:30p Hector J Rodriquez
1:30p-3p Kadeejah Streets
3p-4p Recess
Also please note that proof of vaccine (or negative PCR test within 72 hours) is required for entry. Masks required inside per Washington State guidelines. No refunds.
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