Kentucky based artist Stephen Sawyer has joined the “Macho Jesus Movement” and painted a series of works depicting Jesus as a muscular, masculine hottie doing manly things like boxing, putting out forest fires, and showing off his wicked tats.
We’ve expressed in the past our shameful lust for guys with the sexy Jesus look, aka, Hot Otter Boys, or Relatively Clean Hippies and we’re huge fans of San Francisco’s annual “Hunky Jesus” contest held at Easter so naturally we admire these not very well executed paintings. And, the artist’s statement about the works is also interesting:
“I scarcely think Jesus could have overturned the tables of the money-lenders and driven them from the temple if he was a wimp. The model I use for my paintings is a surfer guy who’s built like a brick shithouse.”
We also admire Christians who aren’t afraid to use terms like “built like a brick shithouse”.
But, we also have to point out, Jesus was a Jew living in Palestine and not a pale skinned dirty blond dude from Malibu…In reality, Jesus would have looked more like this: