What do you get when you repress a bunch of attractive young gents with rain, grey clouds and long work weeks? A whole lot of Friday night release, and tonight we have just the place for you as it’s time for another monthly installment of Dickslap, tonight at The Eagle.
This month the bearsexual woof Guy Ruben left sunny beautiful way better weather than here San Francisco just to turn it out for you in the booth, joined of course by that old spinster Nark, but luckily he is going away on tour for a over a month after this, so maybe get a spank in tonight. Expect fuzzy behinds in the cage and jello shots suddenly sliding down your throat but most of all let your inhibitions go and be eternalized in a GIF such as this-
Tonight at The Eagle, 314 Pike Street, 10pm-3am
Here’s a sneak peak at what’s in store for next month where Dan Savage will give you a cock ring, so check that off your life to-do list.