THE HABIT is back for their 2013 show THE HABIT 13 at The Bathhouse Theatre at Green Lake, now through December 1, 2013. Photo: John Cornicello
They’re looking kinda sketchy…the men of Seattle’s own sketch comedy troupe, THE HABIT have gotten together for their annual get together to create their Thirteenth original night of sketch comedy. THE HABIT 13 debuted on Friday, November 15 and continues on the weekends through December 1, 2013 at The Bathhouse Theatre on Green Lake, the home of Seattle Public Theatre, with all shows at 8pm.
The rapidly aging weisenheimers have gathered from all corners of the globe to reunite for their latest show. Ryan Dobosh, John Osebold, Jeff Schell, Mark Siano, David Swidler, and Luke Thayer spent some time earlier this year hunkered down in a secret bunker to thrash out material for the show…and, probably whine about Male Pattern Baldness and the high cost of Cialis. (We keed, we keed! We’re old enough to be their slightly older, but beloved smartass brother!) Despite the fact that this crew is irritatingly heterosexual; (really? you couldn’t find room for ONE polesmoker?) we heartily recommend a visit to see what these adorable little sex monkeys have come up with…we’re guessing it’ll be witty, profane and smart as a whip.
(Which raises the question…why are whips smart? And, we dare The Habit to turn THAT into a sketch…)
Tickets for THE HABIT 13 are available HERE!