Make a Rainbow Connection at Pike & Broadway as Rainbow Crosswalks are unveiled this Tuesday, June 23, 2015!
Photo: SoSea Rainbow Crosswalk Project
How odd.
We signed up to receive press releases from the Mayor’s Office several weeks ago and somehow we “fell off” the radar for the announcement about Seattle Mayor Ed Murray getting up at the crack of doom (6:30 am Tuesday, June 23, 2015) to unveil the new Rainbow Cross Walks at the intersection of Broadway and Pike Street on Capitol Hill.
The project has been in the works for decades. Shaun Knittel, local journalist/advocate/crusader/Neighbours’ Night Club Spokes Person and Fire Put’er Out’er and his advocacy group, SoSea apparently talked the city into finally getting the job done. YAY!
(Of course, it’s a bit pointless since the gays have largely been pushed off the Hill by gentrification and hordes of straight assholes on weekend nights, but it’s the THOUGHT that counts!)
Seattle now joins other cities like San Francisco that also have similar crosswalks that serve as Tourism Marketing Photo Opps!
If you would like to get up RAAAAAAAAL early to see Our Big Gay Mayor™ in his own Pride Week Photo Opp of the Week, here is the OFFICIAL copy and pasted info:
Mayor Murray to Unveil Rainbow Crosswalks on Capitol Hill
WHAT: As Pride Week in Seattle gets underway, Mayor Murray will unveil newly installed rainbow-colored crosswalks on Capitol Hill early tomorrow morning.
WHEN: 6:30 AM Tuesday, June 23rd
WHO: Mayor Ed Murray, local community members
WHERE: Intersection of 10th and Pike St.
The City of Seattle apparently loves to make Big Gay Announcements About Big Gay Photo Opps around the 21st/22nd of the month…just one month ago, the Mayor and The Police Chief announced the “Safe Place Program” to aid in fighting crimes against LGBTQ folks on the Hill. The program largely consists of a rainbow colored decal that area businesses can place in their front window thus indicating a refuge for Homos On The Run from hoodlums.
So far, no word on whether or not the intersection of Pike & Broadway is a designated “Safe Place” Zone. (Area residents are NOT encouraged to stand in the intersection for protection from muggers or bands of roving Woo Girls.)
Meanwhile, the OLD home of Homo Capitol Hill, the stretch of Broadway from Denny to Aloha, feels abandoned and left out….kind of like the former employees of The Grill on Broadway and soon to be unemployed folks at Charlie’s.
No word on when “Straight Pride” colored crosswalks will grace that part of the Hill.
(What colors would that be? Taupe and Celery?)
We keed, we keed!
We’re actually very pleased about this. In fact, it was taking so long to happen that we considered pulling a Guerrilla Graffiti Spray Paint version ourselves!
Hoping really hard the homophobes don’t ruin the efforts by spray painting, defacing, or other such things to the beautiful work! If they’ll bash gays late at night………what would stop them from spoiling this Rainbow tribute?
[…] be on the next Olivia cruise or Women’s Pride. How ’bout you?? Cross those newly rainbow’d crosswalks and getchyer ass over to Neptune tonight at 7pm! Showtime is at 8, and tickets are dirt cheap, […]
So, what’s up with the “big” in “big gay mayor?” I’ve noticed is twice now. Is that some kind of shaming thing, or … sorry, WHAT’S the point?
This should have been done by volunteers, and/or local artists……the mayor just spent so much money on going to Isreal, and then does this. I think it’s awesome, but the $ is from taxes. He doesn’t spend logically. Quit wasting so much money! !!