Trouble is, we know what DAYS Pete Buttigieg, the out gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana and a candidate seeking the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination will be visiting Seattle this month…but other than that, not much is publicly known.
The official “Pete For America” only lists one event, happening on Saturday, December 14th…a get together for volunteers AFTER a rally. Via the website:
Come mingle with your Pete family after his Saturday night event. We are waiting for more details from the campaign as to location of the big event but we want everyone to know we are planning a gathering close to where you will be. Stay tuned for details as we solidify things.
Today, local news outlets leaked more info. Via KOMO:
According to his campaign, the South Bend, Ind., mayor plans an evening rally in Seattle on Saturday, Dec. 14, and two or more meet-and-greets around mid-day on Sunday, Dec. 15.
Reports go on to indicate that more info with specific locations will be released four days before the events so mark your calendars for Dec 10th to find out more skinny.
Buttigieg was last in Seattle this summer for a packed rally at The Showbox. No indication if this December appearance will be in a larger sized venue.
Looks like Pete will be spending the night in Seattle…will he have time to bop out for drinks and dancing at a gay club? Maybe Queer Bar? Or, perhaps a visit to one of our many gay holiday shows like Dina Martina?
Frankly, we don’t see Mayor Pete being a Dina fan…he’s a tad mainstream and literal for her brand of folly…
Also: is he bringing Chasten?
I would love to know more about mayor pete coming to seattle