Some douchebag and I assume closet case from NOM named Jonathan Baker weasled his way into the Starbucks shareholders meeting where he asked an offensive question as to whether or not Starbucks supported marriage equality as one of it’s core values.
Starbucks CEO Howard Shultz told NOM to FUCK OFF! Well, at least that is how I translate this quote:
“I would assure you that the senior team at Starbucks discussed it, and it was, to be candid with you, not a difficult decision for us.”
Shultz’s comment was greeted by loud applause by the assembled shareholders. NOM responded with the announcement of a boycott, shocker. Good luck with that haters I am sure it will be just as effective as the recent JC Penney boycott.
That being said we can expect more of these dbags: NOM, Focus on the Family, etc. in our state as we fight to maintain marriage equality. Get engaged and consider donating to the good fight: Equal Rights Washington. And would it kill you to buy something at Starbucks?
Towleroad has more reporting and video.