Matt Smith and Karen Gillan in between takes on the set of Dr. Who in Central Park, NYC. Photo: Janet Mayer/PRPhotos.com
Many of you will doze off at this post but for Dr. Who fans it’s a Very Big Deal…photographs of the current Doctor, actor Matt Smith and his current companion Amy Pond, played by Karen Gillan, on location…in Central Park in New York City for the upcoming 7th season of the nearly 50 year old iconic British sci fi television series. For decades, the show seldom left the studio or, at the very least, did location work only in the UK. When the series returned to production in 2005 after a 15 year hiatus, the show began producing more episodes on location, including traveling to Italy and Spain, and their first visit to the US last year. While previous episodes of the series have been set in New York City, it’s the first time principle photography with leading actors has ever actually happened in The Big Apple. It’s rather exciting for American Who fans.
Photography for the 7th relaunched season began in February in Spain and will continue for the next few months. It has already been announced that the Doctor’s current companion, Amy Pond and her husband/co-companion Rory Williams will leave at some point during this season, allegedly in the 5th episode and a new companion played by Jenna-Louise Coleman will join the Doctor on his travels through time and space in the subsequent episode, possibly during the annual Christmas Special. The first six episodes of the new season will air in the fall of 2012, with the remaining 8 episodes to air in 2013.
And, for hardcore fans, the word leaking out is that both the Daleks and The Weeping Angels will return for the new season. SQUEE!
Check out these Lovely Photos, all by Janet Mayer/PRPhotos.com.
Via Tom and Lorenzo.