“The Tall Girls” is the new show at WET. Hopefully, they can earn enough money through Give Big this month to stay open another month or so…they have so many Artistic Directors to support!
It’s “Give Big Season” which means it’s the first-ish of May and time for The Seattle Foundation’s annual “Give Big” non-profit charity fundraising event where YOUR contributions to local arts and social service non-profit groups are matched. In reality, it means you’re gonna get harassed for a week from every single damn non-profit you’ve ever looked at more than once because they all need some dough.
Theater groups are the WORST beggars (or, best, depending on their actual level of acting talent) and they’re probably flooding your Facebook and your email inbox with scads of pleas for your hard earned dollahs to keep their sad little “Hobby” afloat for another year and delaying the inevitable moment they have to move out of Mom’s basement and get a real soul sucking job at Amazon (order picker) or Starbucks (floor mopper).
The naughty delusional “artistes” over at Washington Ensemble Theatre have taken begging to a different level this panhandling season by making a VIDEO that cheerfully makes fun of:
- The Give Big program
- Poor Dumb Actors
- The self-combusted theater company known as Balagan
- Theater critics, including ME!
- Themselves
Here it is:
My “review”:
Very clever. Sadly, it’s about 24 seconds too long. And, while the crisp cinematography intrigues, the flaccidity of the sound design is dispiriting. Nonetheless, you ARE encouraged to give SMALL (or BIG) to Washington Ensemble Theatre. Otherwise, all those hippie artistic directors might “pull a Balagan” and leave financial (and emotional!) debts all over town!!!
Yes. I am blatantly rewarding their blatant name dropping by giving them a plug for their desperate attempt to snag your hard earned dollars to help keep their “dream” alive.
Hopefully, that dream means more shows like RoboPop! and Sextet and Mormon Bird Play and Bengal Tiger At The Baghdad Zoo and fewer shows like Sprawl….
Please help out WET and other Dickensian artists by giving BIG on May 5. And/or any of the other dozens of fine non-profits in the city who could use some love, like Seattle Counseling Services, Three Dollar Bill Cinema, Lifelong, Gay City, Inspire Youth Project, etc.
PS: I’m also sure WET would j’adore it if you go to one of their currently running productions, too. Like the just opened The Tall Girls, now onstage at 12th Avenue Arts.