It is kinda weird when you think about it. Ten years ago, in 2007, every cherished video meme in the world all seemed to happen in the same space of time.
- “Charlie Bit My Finger”
- “Leave Britney Alone!”
- “Keyboard Cat”
- “Shoes”
That’s a viral epidemic severe enough to warrant the Center for Disease Control stepping in…
Miles Klee at reports on that phenomenon. Check it out.
I’m fans of most of those videos but I’ve never cared for Chris Crocker’s fake bullshit nonsense. “Leave Britney Alone” was so blatantly phony and over the top…yet it actually worked into turning Crocker into a Grade Z celebrity albeit one largely helped by the fact he extended his 15 minutes of fame (or padded out his 7 minutes of “Britney” fame into a full quarter hour or so, at least to the LGBTQ market) by doing gay porn videos. He turned “Leave Britney Alone!” into “Stick your large penis into me while I squeal like a sex pig!”
Bless his media whorin’ heart.
I still prefer “Shoes”.
“I’m gonna get what I want…”
Liam Kyle Sullivan seems to have sadly peaked, at least in his “Kelly” persona…his website and FB fan page hasn’t had fresh material in a long time. He appears to have settled into married daddyhood at age 43.
We’re shocked he never made a “Kelly” movie.
About the Author: Michael Strangeways
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