As mentioned, SIFF is turning 50ish this year (despite the
It’s not even sold out! What happened to the Lord
I know all you Barbie lovers are getting very excited
After a change in producers and Covid-19 caused cancellations, Seattle’s
Our favorite tv series EVER has had more comebacks than
In support of the new edition of his best sellng
Hey…it’s what you gotta do to get ahead in show
SEATTLE GAY SCENE is Seattle’s Leading LGBT community website, and most visited calendar in the region.
We also proudly serve as media sponsors for a number of amazing local organizations, including: Gay City Health Project, Lifelong AIDS Alliance, SIFF, Three Dollar Bill Cinema, Qulture Qreative & Hard Times Press, NARK Magazine and Bacon Strip to help bring some of the most exciting live events and entertainment in the city.