Public Health of King County has created a guideline for “MSM” aka “Men Who Have Sex With Men” for safe sex precautions during the Covid-19 pandemic.
We’re assuming this campaign is targeting the “MSM” community due to the fact that they are at higher risk due to compromised immune systems because of HIV…and, “MSM” tend to have more frequent sexual encounters. (No judgement!) But, really, you can apply all these recommendations towards anyone having any kind of sexual encounter.
There’s more info here including a link to Spanish language guidelines.
Temporary Recommendations for Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM)
In addition to your current HIV/STI prevention activities, such as using condoms, taking HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), having an undetectable HIV viral load, and getting tested and treated for STIs regularly, COVID-19 prevention should be included into your safer sex plans and activities.
- Stay home as much as possible and minimize contact with others
- If you have symptoms, or had contact with someone that has COVID-19, get tested and isolate
- If you or your partners have symptoms, take a pause from having sex for 10 days after symptoms started
- Take precautions interacting with people at risk for severe COVID-19 illness (people over 65yrs, or those with serious medical conditions)
- Have as few sex partners as possible
- Consider the safety of those you live with, coworkers, elderly parents, and the public