Some good people are going to jail to raise money for Rise n’ Shine’s annual “Big Bail Out” fundraiser this Wednesday, March 16 from 3pm to 9pm at Broadway Grill. Rise n’ Shine, the fine org that provides “emotional support programs, stability, advocacy, and AIDS education for children and teens affected by HIV/AIDS” is presenting the 13th annual “Big Bail Out” with support from the GSBA and AM1090 to raise much needed funds for the group to support its programs including camps and retreats for the kids. You can help in a number of ways with the event by volunteering to become a team that partly gets “imprisoned” while the other members call around to raise “bail” to get the rest of the team OUT of jail, OR, you can just simply make a tax deductible donation to rescue those fine folks from eternal imprisonment in the bowels of Broadway Grill, where they are probably forced to toss salad and mince onions until NEXT year’s Bail Out. Don’t let that happen! Go HERE to volunteer or donate AND stop by Broadway Grill on Wednesday for the Big Event!