It was awesome last year when the rainbow Gay Pride flag was hoisted on top of the Space Needle for Pride Month. But, apparently, there are no plans to REPEAT this for Pride 2011 and some folks are kinda pissed off about that, or, at least wanting to know what’s up and how can this be rectified. has organized a campaign and petition requesting the Pride flag return sometime this month to celebrate Seattle’s Pride celebrations. Here’s the skinny:
In 2010, the Space Needle made history by raising the Pride flag on top of the needle for the first time ever. While the Space Needle is a private company, Seattleites proudly recognize the needle as a symbol of their beautiful city.
Seattle has the country’s 2nd largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. When the Space Needle raised the Pride flag they made the LGBT community feel truly welcome in their home city. Not only did residents celebrate the Pride flag on the needle, but people rejoiced from around the world as news broke about the Space Needle’s strong support for LGBT people. The message was clear: Seattle is a welcoming city for all.
The Space Needle has not announced plans to raise the Pride flag for Seattle 2011 Pride. Please join me in thanking the Space Needle for raising the flag in 2010, and ask them to raise the Pride flag again in 2011.
Organized by the resourceful Josh Castle at you can go to the site and sign the petition. We need to see our Freak Flag FLY, babies!
UPDATE: Dominic Holden at The Stranger got the scoop. The Space Needle announced they are NOT flying the Pride flag this year and emphasized they were NEVER going to fly it again and plan on not flying ANY flags for special events in the future….though, why do we think we’ll see a damned Seahawk or Mariner flag up there, if they ever make it to the playoffs again…