Victor Rodriguez and Juanita More flew into Seattle for "Beep Beep" and boy, are their arms tired! Photo: Kevin Kauer/Nark Magazine.
Probably to the chagrin of Old School Eagle Fans, who frown on ladies and glittery gays in their Den of Perversion, but to the delight of everyone else, “Beep Beep” the new monthly (?) event from Nark and Company invaded The Seattle Eagle on October 1st with a cavalcade of glittery, disco madness. Granted, “Beep Beep” is just temporarily housed at The Eagle; eventually it’ll migrate over to The Social once it ever opens, but the Old Grouchy Hard Core Leather Daddy Bears will just have to get used to it…it’s hard for a bar to stay viable only servicing ONE kind of clientele…you have to diversify in this day and age or you’ll wither and die…plus, The Eagle brought back the pool table so that should make the regulars happy.
Meanwhile, “Beep Beep” featured two big out of town guests: the lovely Juanita More from SFO and DJ Victor Rodriguez from LAX and heaps of happy local fans of the two either glittered up or stripped down depending on their sartorial preference. Here’s a few lovely photos taken by Nark/Kevin Kauer and you can see the rest over at Nark Magazine…
More Lovely Photos after the jump.