Out country singer Chely Wright is the focus of “Wish Me Away” the documentary screening at the SnoGLOBE Winter Film Festival in Everett next Sunday.
There are both advantages and disadvantages to living in the ‘burbs for members of the LGBTQ family. It’s arguably cheaper but at a cost…a sense of feeling cut-off from queer cultural and entertainment events. But, there are some groups out there dedicated to providing events and programs to the queer community living in area codes that are not 206.
SnoGLOBE Equality Alliance of Snohomish County is one of those groups and they’re presenting another film event for the LGBTQ community of the “north lands”. Their latest installment in their film screening series, the 2013 Winter Film Festival, is happening next Sunday, March 24, 2013 from 1pm to 6:30pm at the PUD Auditorium, 2320 California Street in Everett. (Though, we’re confused why they are calling it a Winter Film Festival, since Spring starts on Wednesday….) The documentary about out country singer Chely Wright, “Wish Me Away” is first up, screening at 2:10pm followed by short films, “A Girl Named Kai”, “FAHISHA” and “I’m Not A Boy” and closing out with the hour long, “Out Late” at 4:40pm. Here’s all the info, including a link to buy tickets!
2013 Winter Film Festival
We are honored to announce Sno-GLOBE Equality Alliance’s 2nd annual Snohomish County LGBT Film Festival.
Our inaugural program showcases 5 films that draw attention to the lives and hearts of LGBTQ and their stories young and old. Please join us for an afternoon of inspiring LGBT stories, social, concessions and resource tables.
Admission is $12
Tickets available at the door and brownpapertickets.com http://www.brownpapertickets.com/ event/337581 Doors will be open to allow for viewing all or specific screening titles.
1:00pm Social and concessions in main lobby
2:00pm Introductions
2:10pm Chely Wright Wish Me Away (90 min)
3:40pm A Girl Named Kai (8:34 min)
3:50pm Intermission
4:15pm FAHISHA (17:30 min)
4:35pm I’m Not A Boy (6:11 min)
4:40pm Out Late (60 min)
5:45pm Social
*Show times may very within a couple minutes
* Documentary “Out Late” contains non sexual nudityAdditional film details available at: http://snoglobe.us/
Current_Events.html We want to thank First Run Features, REEL LIVES and Media That Matters for our events film titles and screening.
We also want to thank our sponsors:
The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
PFLAG Everett Snohomish County Chapter
AIDS Project Snohomish County
GLOBE Youth Group Snohomish County
Everett PUDFor more information on Sno-GLOBE Equality Alliance and future events please visithttp://www.snoglobe.us/