And, with one photo, we lose our “Catholic Legion of Decency Seal of Approval”…Come check out more blasphemy at PONY tonight for BEEFCAKE and see more photos from this photo shoot. Meet/eat the models!
Photo: Les Sterling for Seattle Male Pictorial
Yes, you need to head to Pony tonight (Friday, October 4)…not just because it’s BEEFCAKE, the beloved monthly disco/zine release party for the retro SEATTLE MALE PICTORIAL but also because this month’s centerfold spread was shot by our own Mr. LES STERLING…and, features some of our friends…and, was shot in the basement of SGS World Headquarters…and, said photo shoot nearly gave Mr. Strangeways ANOTHER heart attack when he ran into one of the “models” flip flopping his way through the kitchen wearing very little in the way of supportive undergarments.
It’s a scandalously sacrilegious shoot featuring all sorts of naughty Catholic and horror film iconography…It’s the Exorcist meets Joe Gage by way of Bruce LaBruce. You’re gonna love it.
BEEFCAKE kicks into gear around 9pm and lasts the night with DJ Freddy King of Pants on hand and plenty of copies of Seattle Male Pictorial to peruse/purchase.
We’re thinking the models will be on hand to peruse and purchase as well…we mean that in the lovely sense of the word and not the sordid, prostitutey sense…buy them a cocktail and you will POSSESS them! Or, at least certain parts of them…
(Judging by the writing style of this post, I think ADRIAN RYAN might have possessed me….)
Mr. Sterling would also like to compel you to “Like” his Facebook page for his photographic art. Go to
to witness all of his sinfulness.