A terrific new exhibit will take over “The Teal Building” the building formerly best known as the home of gay bar RPlace at the corner of Pine and Republican on Capitol Hill. Running from June 3rd through the 24th, the exhibit features the work of 43 different artists presenting their visions of what Seattle will look like in the future in a variety of different mediums.
If you love “alternative realities”, you’re gonna love this show. It’s part Jetsons, part Futurama, part…well, we’re guessing some of it is gonna be kinda dark.
It kicks off on Saturday, June 3rd with a big opening party. You can snag tickets to that event at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/seattle-city-of-the-future-opening-party-tickets-634520165897
SEATTLE, WA — During the World’s Fair in 1962, Seattle was celebrated as the City of Tomorrow, a forward-thinking town with cutting edge innovation and technology. Sixty years later Third Place Technologies is pleased to partner with PublicDisplay.ART (published by One Reel) and the Tamarind Tree Restaurant to host an immersive art experience that revisits this concept from today’s vantage point.
Local artists, technologists, civic activists and interdisciplinary art groups were asked to explore some of the universal questions on the minds of today’s residents and bring them to life in the form of 3D installations and immersive, artistic concepts. The result is a curated exhibit that spans three floors and offers 28 glimpses of what may become of Seattle.
The ticketed event taps into Seattle’s thirst for new technology and immersive storytelling, filling three floors of interstitial space with inflatables, sculptures, projection, robotics, murals, textiles, a motion-activated light show, staged displays, gaming components, mapping software, postering, a voting booth, sound signals, and more.
“While the theme is intended to be forward facing, its roots can be traced back 60 years to the historic Seattle World’s Fair” explains Shelly Farham of Third Place Technologies. “The idea is as relevant today as it was back then. Tapping local creative minds to engage audiences with futuristic glimpses that offer hope and signal very real warnings as Seattle moves toward tomorrow, just made sense.”
Some of the installations that audiences are invited to explore include visions of psychedelic wildlife, a world of transgender assimilation, ecologic wonders, a new language of communication, AI dystopian alleyways, transformational cityscapes, an honest-to-God robot, and twenty-one more pathways of potential futures.
The exhibit runs through June 4-24 and is a ticketed event, with staggered accessibility. Tickets are on sale now and ticket-buyers can select the date and time of their tour. Interested visitors are encouraged to buy tickets in advance, before the timeslots are filled. There’s also an opening night party presented by Third Place Technologies on Saturday, June 3, and a closing party on Saturday, June 25, hosted by One Reel, the Publisher of PublicDisplay.ART that offers guests the opportunity for extended exploration.
“We invited Third Place Technologies and PublicDisplay.ART to the table to create an opportunity at the Teal Building to support local arts and LGBTQ+ communities” shares Tamarind Tree owner, Tam Nyguyen. “This exhibit delivers just that. We are excited to see the space activated during Seattle Pride month and we welcome the community to enjoy this mind-bending exhibit.”
With a large number of LGBTQ artists contributing their visions for the future, the exhibit purposefully accomplishes this goal and presents a celebratory Pride message for working toward a better future for the city we love. Additionally, the space will play host to variety of events, both public and privately when the space is not open to the public, that serve as fundraisers for selected LGBTQ and arts organizations.
The 43 featured artists include: Bailey Ambrose Heller, Ben Flaster, Brandon Traynoff, Carolyn Hitt, Casey Curran, Chain Plate (Chan Plett), COLE & DAVIES (Maryann B. Cole & Dylan M.R. Davis), Duane Georges, FUTURE WATCH (Jordan Christianson, lead, Anouk Rawkson, & Kerstin Graudins), Griff Tucker, GROUP 6 (Nichol Devoy, lead, and Group 6), Heidi Grace Acuña, J. Adam Brinson, Jean Bradbury, Jeffrey Larson, Jeremy Rise, Joseph Gray, Josh Lind, Julie Conway, Lesley Bain, Mary Anne Carter, MIRROR MAZE CIRCLE (Hann Chebeleu, lead, Emma Siple, & Carmen Woodson), Nathan DiPietro, Ray Song, Ruben David Rodriguez, SEATTLE DESIGN NERDs (Trevor Dykstra, lead, Grayson Hay, Kai Curtis and Simon Vincini), Sepia Katsoolis, Sylwia Tur, and TOTALLY LEGIT (David Hull, lead, James Robinson, Shelly Farnham, Andrew Cole, & Jeff Brice).
—————— EXHIBIT INFO. ——————
Seattle: City of the Future
The Teal Building — 619 E Pine Street; Seattle, WA 98122
“The Teal Building” was formerly one of Seattle’s premier venues for LGBTQ nightlife on Capitol Hill, but remained dormant for several years. Recently purchased by the owners of the Tamarind Tree Restaurant, the space has been generously donated for the upcoming Seattle: City of the Future exhibit, prior to undergoing renovations to open a new concept in entertainment. The unique floorplan provides access to three floors, making it possible to curate new works form 43 artists in the form of 28 installations created specifically for this exhibit.
HOURS & TICKET PRICES: Wednesdays 6-10 PM ($10), Thursdays 6-10 PM ($15), Fridays 6-12 PM ($25), Saturdays 6-12 PM ($25), Sundays 5-9 PM ($15)
Exhibit runs through June 3-24