It’s almost poetic, really, that the day after California’s Prop 8 was declared unconstitutional, Washington’s legislature would vote on and pass the necessarily bill to make marriage equality the law of the land here. The next step is simple – the governor signs the bill, and it becomes law.
Of course, it isn’t that easy. It’s never that easy, is it? It won’t actually be law until 90 days after the end of the congressional session that ends in March. And opponents of the law have already started the referendum that would seek to overturn this law… a la our very own Prop 8. This, yet again, magnifies the importance of voting – because when this gets to the ballot (and you know it will…) we all have to vote against the repeal. Huffington Post has a lovely long writeup on the process, and what we can expect.
It’s troubling that we are still the last minority whose civil rights can be prevented or eliminated sheerly by the will of the people. We find ourselves spoiled, frequently, living in a progressive city. But Washington is a big state. And the United States is a big country. And there are still far too many people in this country who let their own prejudices and ignorance rule their vote.
Let’s celebrate the victory we’ve won in this battle. But remember, the war rages on.