Robert Opel's infamous streak at the 1974 Oscars amuses David Niven. Fun Fact: Mr Opel was gay. Sad Fact: He was murdered in 1979 during a robbery.
Movie nerds know who Nikki Finke is…she’s the controversial Hollywood entertainment journalist/blogger and considered one of the most powerful women in the industry. Her website, Deadline Hollywood manages to get major scoops on breaking Hollywood stories and she’s frequently in hot water with the studios, networks, and talent agencies. Well, the water is now boiling for Ms Finke and company as the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (aka, “AMPAS”) have pulled the plug on their press credentials to attend this year’s Academy Award ceremony, which happens tomorrow evening at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood.
What’s their beef with Darlin’ Nikki?
She published a story on the complete rundown of tomorrow night’s Oscar ceremony, complete with “special” surprises like the identity of the mystery Oscar co-host who will give a monologue about half way through the show. (And, it’s not announced hosts, James Franco or Anne Hathaway.)
I’ll be nice and won’t spoil it here…if you’re aching to know, click to the article, but, WARNING: HUGE SPOILERS IN THE POST! If you want to be completely surprised, do NOT click the link! You have been WARNED!
I will reveal a smaller spoiler…Do not proceed if you don’t want to see it! (It’s not that huge, though, but juicy!)It’s tradition for the previous year’s Oscar winning actors to present the award in the opposite sex acting category, ie, the Best Actor gives the Best Actress award the next year. Well, that ain’t happenin’ this year. Christoph Waltz the Best Supporting Actor winner for last year, (for Inglourious Basterds) is in Europe filming a new film, and won’t be in attendance. That’s sort of understandable and acceptable to the Powers That Be, but the reaction from last year’s Best Supporting Actress, Mo’Nique, for her work in Precious, is not so easy to explain. The prickly actress, who stirred controversy last year with her refusal to campaign for the Oscar, has allegedly turned down numerous invites from the Academy to return to this year’s show to give out the Best Supporting Actor Oscar. There’s been no reason given, but the Rumor Mill likes to suggest that Mo’Nique doesn’t do ANY gigs without a big paycheck….and, apparently the numerous Oscar Gift Bags and Swag Rooms isn’t enough to entice her.
Personally, I say, “Good for you, Mo’Nique!” If it ain’t your scene, then why bother shaving your legs and putting on a couture dress for four hours of excruiating “fun” especially if you’re not nominated?
Of course, it probably means she’ll never be nominated again, but she HAS her little gold trophy…why should she care? She’s probably at home plotting revenge on Stacy Layne Matthews for her scathing portrayal of her on “Drag Race” last week…