It’s HERE! Annex Theatre and Bad Actor Productions proudly present their tribute to all those trashy Lifetime TV movies of the week! Woman in Peril opens tonight, Friday, April 29 at 11pm with an afterparty to follow, also at the Annex. There’ll be more bad wigs, pastel colored pantsuits and cat fights than a family reunion in Fife Washington. Check it out! (And, note that Woman in Peril runs Fri/Sat at 11pm through May 20.)

Traditional workout with Simmons is how these two Lifetime women start their day. Photo credit: Ian Johnston/Annex Theatre

Meredith Baxter is an abuser to anything that walks, crawls and just lays there with its eggs. Photo Credit: Ian Johnston/Annex Theatre

Whether it be Tracey Gold or the "guy" right next door, there is always room for bad hairdos and sparkles around the neck. Photo Credit: Ian Johnson/Annex Theatre

Women in Peril. It's a bad Lifetime Movie that has been revived by the actors at Bad Actor Productions and is opening tonight at 11pm. Tickets are $10 at the door and there is a post show party with complimentary beer and wine. Naturally with these boys, there will be a dance party afterwards. Photo Credit: Ian Johnson/Annex Theatre