Yes, they are doing Beyonce's "Put a Ring on It". The lovely trio of Ricki Mason, Waxie Moon and Inga Ingenue. Photo: Paul O'Connell
The adorable dancers from “Dance Belt USA” are offering classes this fall at Century Ballroom and they are very obviously designed to appeal to your inner (or outer) homo boy, girl and boy/girl (or, girl/boy). Dance Belt consists of the ridiculously talented Waxie Moon, Inga Ingenue, Ruby Mimosa and Lou Henry Hoover from “Cherdonna & Lou” (aka Ricki Mason) and when they’re not performin’ they’re teachin’ and they have plenty to teach.
They have two classes this fall sure to please 98% of the Alphabet Soup Population: **”DANCE BELT Loves Madonna” Music Video Choreography Class Series** and **”DANCE BELT does GAGA” Music Video Choreography Class Series**. The Madonna classes will teach you the moves to such classic Madonna songs as “Lucky Star”, “Holiday” and “Vogue” among others, and the Gaga series will have you recreating the moves from “Born This Way”, “Judas” and “You and I”.
The Madonna classes happen Thursdays from Sept 15 to Oct 20 (no class on Oct 6) and the Gaga classes run Tuesdays from Sept 13 to Oct 11. Both classes take place in the West Hall in the Oddfellows Building, 915 E. Pine Street, 2nd Floor and prices are $20 to drop in for a class, $80 for a full class series (for each series) and $75 if you register early.
Register at www.CenturyBallroom.com
Ooooh….I’d take the class except for the fact I have two left feet and wear a truss and I’m shaped like a narwhal. But, don’t let that horrifying image stop the rest of you! It should be ridiculous amounts of fun.