On this week’s episode of The Walking Dead titled When the Dead Come Knocking we didn’t really learn anything new but a few key character traits were reinforced. Here they are in no particular order:
- The Guv’Nor might be the most evil man in post-Zombie Apocalyptic Georgia. When Merle fails to get the location of the prison after torturing Glenn the Guv’Nor interrogates Maggie and nearly rapes her. For some reason he doesn’t (I am thinking because this might have been a trauma too far for fans and the writers spared us) and instead drags her in front of Glenn half-naked and threatens to kill him if Maggie doesn’t tell him where their people are holed up. Maggie buckles and gives him their location.
- Maggie isn’t as tough as she seems.
- Glenn however is one tough bastard. Not only does he refuse to buckle under Merle’s torture and taunts but he kills the hell of a Biter that Merle unleashes on him while he is still tied to a chair.
- Michonne is still one Bad Ass Muthufucka and knows that information is power. While she tells the gang at the prison that Glenn and Maggie have been captured she keeps the info on Merle and Andrea to herself. She also executes the fuck out of some crazy hermit that is endangering the rescue team. The crazy hermit still thinks that the police are functioning and demands to see Rick’s badge. He then makes a run to the door while screaming so Michonne runs him through. This brings us to Daddy Rick.
- As much as the writer’s would have us believe that Daddy Rick will now eliminate any human threat to his group without blinking he doesn’t and he can’t, he still blinks. It falls to Michonne to kill the hermit before he lets a herd of Walkers in to the house. He does however seem to simply want to let Michonne get eaten by Walkers when her zombie gut camo starts to fail. He finally moves to save her after Carl insists.
- Speaking of Carl he has turned into a Walker killing machine but he still bugs me. Also why did want to name his sister after his 3rd Grade teacher? Where the hell did that come from?
- Merle is still a racist asshole. This was reinforced by Merle referring to T-Dog (RIP!) as a spear chucker and telling Glenn that the Biter he is about to unleash on him will just be hungry again in an hour, DICK!
- Loves a Bad Boy Andrea is possibly the worst judge of character EVER!!!! She is still enamored of the Guv’Nor, and is still fucking him. She also helps Milton (creepily played by Dallas Roberts who is not aging well) with some experiment to see if a Biter keeps any memories when they turn.
And that’s about it for this episode which really only served as vehicle to bring the Prison Gang and the Guv’Nor’s Stepbury drones into direct conflict. Next week’s episode is the mid-season finale and if the previews are correct it is going to be the best episode, so far, this season.