The Seattle based hipper than thou barber shop emporium, Rudy’s Barber Shop and the equally chic Ace Hotel families are in shock today with the news that co-founder Alex Calderwood died yesterday, November 15, 2013 at age 45. The news was released publicly at the Ace Hotel website:
Yesterday Alex Calderwood passed away.
Alex was our teacher, mentor, guru and most importantly our dear friend.
We will miss him.
We’ve also learned that Rudy’s employees were informed today about the death of Calderwood with an emotional email from co-founders Wade Weigel and David Petersen. The three men started the Rudy’s chain in 1992. Calderwood went on to create the Ace Hotel brand in 1999 with Weigel and another partner Doug Herrick. The two companies became hip name brands, with a large and dedicated fan base of the gay and the über trendy with 17 Rudy’s located in Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, and New York City and 7 Ace Hotels in Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, Palm Springs, New York, London and Panama. Both companies featured many LGBTQ employees and proudly made “It Gets Better” videos and promoted queer causes.
No word on cause of death.
Paper Magazine also released the news and included a 2008 profile on the popular entrepreneur. The hard partying Calderwood was a beloved member of the NYC night life community.
Our condolences to Mr. Calderwood’s family, friends and co-workers.
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