The newest party night at The Seattle Eagle, AREA 2181, debuted with a hugely successful opening night last month, so naturally they return to the third Saturday in July spot with their next freakishly zexy installment which involves Gay Zombies, otherwise known as a cheap excuse to wear shredded clothing and growl “I W a n t T o E A T YOU!” at other scantily attired tramps on the back patio at The Eagle…
But, seriously, founding Dirty Dawgs, resident dj Pavone and resident sex pup Kirk seem to have (re)discovered the winning formula for an event at The Eagle…revert back to the “old ways” and give the horny crowd what they really want in a filthy night life event for homo men: Strong drinks; masculine studs and a deliciously sleazy attitude.
+++ THEME OF THE MONTH: GAY ZOMBIE QUARANTINE +++This month we asked ourselves, “How come some of those guys on Grindr, Scruff, A4A, etc. are such assholes?” You know the type: think they’re hot shit, usually taking a selfie in their gym’s bathroom mirror, always have the words “no Asians/fats/fems” in their description for some “weird” “reason”.You know what we say about those guys? FUCK ‘EM! So we’re all gonna make fun of them this month by dressing up like brainless, drooling “Grindr Zombies”. Find an old t-shirt (or go buy one at Value Village for $3.00), cut some holes into it, tear it up a little bit, and come join the ranks of the undead with us for a night.
Come zombified and take a selfie in our Grindr Zombie photo area! Winner receives an assortment of naughty prizes.
++++++ AREA 2181 ++++++
AREA 2181 is an experimental gay men’s dance party that happens every third Saturday at The Seattle Eagle.
AREA 2181 is a place for YOU to experiment. This is the one night a month where you break free from your boring Capitol Hill bar routine and actually go out to BE out. There is no standing and modeling at AREA 2181. There is no browsing awkwardly on Scruff and Grindr. At AREA 2181 we are asking YOU to get outside of your comfort zone. This is The Eagle, not the playpen. We know you have some shit you wanna do that you can’t at otheR baRs.
At AREA 2181, the PARTY is an experiment. AREA 2181 is constantly mutating. No two parties will ever be the same – this isn’t another “evening with Seattle’s glitterati” where you stand around and sip cocktails and wait for the drag show you’ve seen a million times to start. The theme will rotate every single month, and we will always push the “levels of taste”, so to speak. We want to keep you on your toes and give you something you’ve never seen before and will probably never see again.
AREA 2181 asks a simple and experimental question: What would happen if we gathered as many of Seattle’s gays as we could under one roof and told them all to party with each other? Maybe we’ll rediscover that whole “gay community” thing. Who knows.
So what exactly IS AREA 2181? I can’t wait for you to show me.