Last week, Governor Jay Inslee announced the names of the 15 LGBTQ Washingtonians who would serve on the state’s new LGBTQ Commission which was created by the state legislature last year.
Among the names are several familiar ones from King County, the state’s most populous county, and include Marsha Botzer from the Ingersoll Gender Center; Matt Landers from the GSBA; Isyss Honnen from the Pride Foundation; Steven Sawyer from POCAAN; Lars Erickson from the Washington State Department of Transportation.
From the press release:
Gov. Jay Inslee announced the appointments of 15 people to serve on Washington’s new LGBTQ Commission today. J. Manny Santiago was named commission director in August. The LGBTQ Commission, established by the Legislature, was signed into law by Inslee in April of last year. The commission will identify the needs of the LGBTQ community and advocate for LGBTQ equity and inclusion in all aspects of state government.
“It is incredibly important to have a commission focused on this needs of the LGBTQ community in our state,” Inslee said. “The commission will be a valuable resource to all Washingtonians and provide recommendations and advice to my office, the Legislature and state agencies on issues important to all LGBTQ people.”
“This is an incredibly diverse group of people to serve on the LGBTQ Commission,” Santiago said. “The collective experience of this group on issues that affect LGBTQ Washingtonians of every background will be crucial as we continue to advance LGBTQ rights in our state. These people represent every corner of our state and I look forward to working with them to identify the needs of our community throughout Washington.”
The appointees were chosen by the governor with input from members of the state House and Senate and community stakeholders. Commissioners will serve three-year staggered terms.
All appointments to the commission are effective immediately.
The appointees:
- Marsha Botzer, Ingersoll Gender Center, King County
- Alvaro Figueroa, Avista Corporation, Spokane County
- Josette Ross, Nisqually Indian Tribe, Pierce County
- Karen Goldsen, University of Washington, Island County
- Matt Landers, GSBA, King County
- Jac Archer, Spokane Human Rights Commission, Spokane County
- Michelle Kelly-Barroga, Oasis Youth Center, Pierce County
- Isyss Honnen, Pride Foundation, King County
- Everett Maroon, Blue Mountain Heart to Heart, Walla Walla County
- Beto Yarce, Ventures, Snohomish County
- Maeve Griffith, City of Spokane, Spokane County
- Steven Sawyer, People of Color Against Aids Network, King County
- Jeffrey Robinson, Franklin Co. Dem Committee, Franklin County
- Tobi Hill-Meyer, Gender Justice League, Thurston County
- Lars Erickson, WSDOT, King County
The commission’s first meeting will take place in late January or early February.